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已有 25705 次阅读 2011-5-25 17:13 |系统分类:国际贸易计划 | 南京信息工程大学, 国际贸易教学计划, 培养方案






Educational Objectives and Learning Outcomes






Educational Objectives


This program is designed to equip students with  principles of modern economics, theories in international economics and international trade, and the rules and practices in international trade. Students in this program are required to master the fundamental knowledge and skills in international trade, and know the current development of international trade and policies and laws in China’s foreign trade. They are expected to have a clear understanding of the social and economic situations of important countries and regions so as to be qualified for advanced positions of business, management, investigation and propagation in the departments of foreign-trade related sectors, foreign companies and government agency at all levels.










Learning Outcomes


Students in this program mainly learn the fundamental theories and  knowledge of Marxist economics and international trade, and they will receive professional training in economics and management. Upon graduation, they are expected: :


To love their motherland and the CPC more deeply and have a clearer understanding of the fundamental principles of Marxism, Mao Zedong Thought and Deng Xiaoping Theory. They should be well cultivated personally and socially, being devoted to their professional work, working hard, and abiding by the laws and codes of conduct. They are expected to have good interpersonal skills and team spirit. They should be able to  think independently and creatively, integrate  theories with practice, adopting a practical attitude and claiming high morality.


To master the fundamental theories and knowledge in Marxist economics, theories and methods of western economics and international economics. They are required to be familiar professional work in international trade and have the basic skills. They are expected to be able to analyze and resolve economic issues by using the knowledge of econometrics, statistics and accounting, and they should know well about the latest developments in international economics and international trade theories. It’s a must that they are good at at least one foreign language with good abilities in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and they have necessary computer skills for international trade.


二、 主干课程及课程体系


Main Courses and Course System








Main Courses: Advanced Mathematics, Probability Theory & Statistics, Social-Economic Statistics, Accounting, Management, Macroeconomics, Microeconomics, International Trade, International Finance, Practice in International Trade, International Settlement, Database Technology & Its Applications, International Economics, Econometrics, Marketing etc.


Feature Courses: Money and Banking, Economic Law, International Business Law, Accounting in Foreign Trade, Specialized English, Oral English in Foreign Trade, International Business Correspondence, Insurance, MNEs & FDI, General Introduction to Foreign Trade of China, Custom PracticePractice in Foreign Trade DocumentationGeneral Introduction to WTO etc.


 The curriculum consists of basic general courses, basic disciplinary courses, specialized courses, , internship and practical training, and general electives.


三、 主要实践性教学环节


Internship and Practical Training


包括入学教育、课内实验、课程设计、 社会实践 、 社会调查、 毕业实习、毕业论文等。


It includes: Orientation, In-class Experiments, Course Project, Social Practice, Social Survey, Graduation Fieldwork, Graduation Thesis, and so on.


四、 修业年限


Length of Schooling




   4 years


五、 授予学位


Degree Conferred




Bachelor’s Degree of Economics




Minor Program




Logistics Management, Financial Management, Marketing,  and Accounting, etc.




Links between Main Specialized Courses

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