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已有 2868 次阅读 2012-4-5 10:44 |个人分类:工商管理|系统分类:工商管理其它 | 工商管理专业, 工商管理人才培养方案

  一、学制与学位 Length of Schooling and Degree

   制:四年                             位:管理学学士学位

Duration4 years                  DegreeBachelor of Administration

  二、培养目标      Educational Objectives





1.Technical Economics Direction

The major cultivates students into advanced special talents, who master the basic theory and specialty knowledge of business administration major, master the theory and method of technical-economic evaluation, have the good ability of technical-economic analysis. They can engage in project assessing, feasibility analyzing of investment projects, engage in management, teaching and science researching jobs in electric power enterprises, other enterprises, and government departments.

2.Electric Power Market

The major cultivates students into advanced special talents, who master the basic theory and specialty knowledge of business administration major, master the trade theory and operating rules of power market, the pricing method of power plants, the trade management knowledge of power grid, and power price designing and regulating etc. After graduation, they can engage in technical and economic management in electric power system, teaching and science researching jobs in enterprises and government departments.

  三、专业培养基本要求:Requirements of Educational


The students should be honest, possess good psychological quality, the virtue of diligent and cooperative, good professional ethics, good health, positive philosophy of life, and nobility sentiment. They should master specialty knowledge of business administration major, have good abilities of management, innovation, and communication. They should know the basic knowledge of power plan, construction, production, and operationmaster the specialty theory and basic skill of the technical-economic evaluation, possess the good analysis ability in Mathematics, and have the good ability to listen, speak, read, and write in foreign language.

  四、学时与学分 Hours/Credits

1. 技术经济方向

总学分 Total Credits 197.5                    总学时(课内)/课外 Total Hours2478/124

其中 Including

必修课学时/学分 Compulsory Courses Hrs/Crs1838/122.5

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits62.03%    

选修课学时/学分Optional Courses        640/40

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits20.25%

集中进行的各类教学环节周数/学分 Curriculum for Intensive Various Teaching34/35

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits17.72%


2. 电力市场方向

总学分 Total Credits 198         总学时(课内)/课外 Total Hours2486/124

其中 Including

必修课学时/学分 Compulsory Courses Hrs/Crs1902/126.5

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits 63.89%   

选修课学时/学分Optional Courses         584/36.5

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits 18.43%

集中进行的各类教学环节周数/学分 Curriculum for Intensive Various Teaching34/35

占总学分比例          Percentage in Total Credits17.68%

  五、主干课程:Major Courses

1. 技术经济方向




1.Technical Economics Direction

Management, Technical Economics, Business Strategy Management, Econometrics, Mathematical Modeling for Economic System, Management Operational Research, Electricity Load Forecast, Electric Power Programming Theory and Methods, Project Assessment, Engineering Construction Contract Management.

2.Electric Power Market

Management, Business Strategy Management, Management Operational Research, Mathematical Modeling for Economics System, Trade Theory and Application in Electric Power Market, Electric Power Pricing, Models and Methods for Electric Power Economic Dispatch, Electric Power Programming Theory and Methods, Electricity Load Forecast, Risk Management of Electric Power Market.


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附件:  工商管理专业人才培养方案.doc





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